Tuesday, January 5, 2016

NEW Drawing from Life Class starting in February!

Beginning February I am offering a brand new class that focuses on drawing directly from life. You'll learn how to draw objects and people in front of you rather than working from photographs. Projects include glass, natural objects, fabric folds, and people. Each session is carefully planned to introduce specific skills and concepts that build onto the next lesson. Ages 16 and up, no prior experience necessary.

As I tell everyone, whether or not you believe you have talent, you can draw! Drawing is a learned skill, just like learning to write. Once you understand the techniques, you decide how well you want to draw and you practice, practice, practice! I'm there to help you every step of the way.

Nine classes meet on specified Thursdays, 6:00-9:00 p.m. at The Art Studio in Virginia Beach.

Session 1: Introduction & learning to render 3D forms on paper
  • Lesson: drawing a sphere & a cylinder with light and shadows

Session 2: Using vine charcoal and charcoal pencils
  • Lesson: drawing a still life

Session 3: Colored pencil techniques
Eggs study. Charcoal on paper, 2014
  • Lesson: detailed drawing of a glass marble

Session 4: Observing and drawing the Natural World
  • Lesson: drawing an organic object (leaf, shell, driftwood, etc.)

Session 5: Fabric folds, Part I
  • Lesson: rendering fabric folds in charcoal on tinted paper
Diaper fold study. Charcoal & white on tinted paper, 2014.
Session 6: Fabric folds, Part II
  • Lesson: continue rendering fabric folds in charcoal on tinted paper

Session 7: Introduction to drawing a live model
  • Lesson: series of gesture drawings & 20-40 minute timed drawings

Session 8: Drawing a Live Model, Part I
    Graphite sketch, 2014.
  • Lesson: detailed drawing of a clothed model in graphite or charcoal

Session 9: Drawing a Live Model, Part II
  • Lesson: continued detailed drawing of a clothed model

Drawing from Life is a 9-session class that will repeat several times a year. Because each lesson teaches techniques that build onto the following lessons, I cannot offer make ups. However, I do offer complete email support in between classes should you need extra help.

The cost of this course is $275.00. Drop-ins are welcome for $35 per session. Materials are not provided; students will be given a list of needed supplies.

In addition to this class, I offer an open drawing session every Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This is a great casual group where you are encouraged to work freely on your own drawing projects once you are comfortable with the techniques learned in class. Although it is not a formal class, I am there to help you refine your techniques and offer constructive critiques. The cost of the open drawing group is $25 per session.

Contact me for more information and to enroll: rowena.artist@gmail.com

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